Dont leave me now
Shanoooooon, Andreeeeaaaa, Maryyyyyy, Stephhhhhh, Alfredoooooooo, Briiiiaaaan, Timmyyyyyyy, Eduardooooo dont leave me!!!!!!!!! I never thought it would be this hard to say goodbye. I hate it. Rachel, Eimar, where were u 2nite? I wish u where there. I have been crying for like 5 hours. I cant stop. And why Shannon do you look like my sister? It must be God who send me an angel... I dont believe in God, but maybe it is time for that. I dont want to cry anymore. I tried to avoid saying goodbye to Alfredo, but I could´nt. It hurts so much. I wish I were 3 years old again.. because then I woud´nt have any problems and I could lay on the floor screaming and crying. I hate that I love you so much. I hope you all have a nice trip to Hamburg tomorrow. And as Queen said,, the show must go on.... yes the show goes on without me and you, the persons I love the most..
And to my swedish friends, please do everything you can to make me happy and forget that there are persons spread all over the world that I love and are missing.

oh Shannon,, oh Shannon, I will miss you! My American dream!
And to my swedish friends, please do everything you can to make me happy and forget that there are persons spread all over the world that I love and are missing.

oh Shannon,, oh Shannon, I will miss you! My American dream!
Postat av: Andreea
I don't want anyone to leave :(
i want all the irish to stay. i wanna stay too. forever. friends forever... :(
this is too sad to handle... :((
i don't want you to go spiced up the erasmus gang. nooo...i don't want an end...:(
Postat av: Nina
Barnprogrammen som är idag tycker jag verkar vara skit. Men å andra sidan så när man väl är liten och inne I ett program så är det säker bra. Men inget går upp mot våra barnprogram. Dom rockade!
Ha en underbar helg!
Postat av: Anonym
aaa xD
Postat av: annah ♥
va söta (:
Postat av: Hanna
Gumman då! Jag förstår att det är jättejobbigt, men jag har goda nyheter! Jag är ledig TUR-helgen!!! Jag lovar att gör allt för att får dig på bra humör då!
Postat av: annii
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