I am hopeless!
I have an exam in International Management in 2h, am I prepared? Maybe not as much as I should be. But I have actually learned a lot. I have learned that South America has one High-Income country, Suriname. Have you ever heard about that country? I have´nt. And also I saw something strange on the european map, there is a tiny country between Poland and Lithuania. I had to google it, and guess what? It belongs to Russia. I learn something new everyday, believe it or not. But it was´nt geography I wanted to talk about, it was communication problems when using english.
Examples for simple mistakes causing misunderstandings:
Germany: "Next week I shall become a new car." (get) - hahahaha typical german to believe that they are cars.Japan: "My father is a doctor, my mother is a typewriter." - being honest, I dont understand this one, can someone explain?
Sweden: "Are you hopeful of any change? No, I’m hopeless." Haha Swedish people are hopeless as frogs without legs. But no I dont think this is a common mistake since hopeless is something totally different.
Finland: "How old is your son? Half past seven - talking about their kids like they are clocks?!
Well, this is what I have learned from the International Management. Fail or pass, thats the question..

Can you see the tiny little green thing north of Poland? That´s Russia! Sweden is really, really big actually. Oh yeah I forgot! Later I will tell you about my plans for the summer but now I need to read more about Hofsteede.
Wish me good luck fuckers!
haha ;) allt bra med dig?
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fin blogg(:
haha de va ju synd bättre lycka nästa gång :-P
sv: Härligt ;)
Okej de låter ju kul de med ;)
Sv:Vad är tenta?
hej sötan! :)
vad händer hos dej? :):)